Day 1 of K12 Online Conference 2011 — November 29, 2011

Day 1 of K12 Online Conference 2011

One of the my favorite conferences each year is the K12 Online Conference. It is a virtual conference that provides a venue for many thoughtful educators to share what they think and how they learn. It is a great extension of my Personal Learning Network, since many of the presenters are educators that I follow on Twitter.

This year’s theme is Purposeful Play. This theme fits in well with the ways our ‘digital kids’ are growing, learning and playing.

One of the biggest contributors to my PLN is George Couros. As a for former principal and now school district leader, he is the first Connected Principal I began to follow.

George Couros’ presentation entitled Playing in Public

As social media continues to grow, the opportunity to engage in our own learning publicly and learn from others, grows with it. In this presentation, George Couros shares some examples of people “playing publicly” and learning with no end in sight. To be comfortable in doing this, leaders must show that they are risk-takers and lead by example in this environment. George shows how when leaders are willing to learn in such a public manner, it trickles down to all educators, and most importantly, our kids.

Check out the video and linked Google Doc with all resources used in the presentation.

Link to presentation’s supporting documents: