Wordle my Tweets! — July 23, 2011

Wordle my Tweets!

I love Wordle.net. I wanted my first post on this new blog to be a Word Cloud that represents me…so I found a fellow blogger who shared how to turn your Tweets into a cloud using TweetStats. I had never used TweetStats before…it is an awesome resource to learning more about your Twitter habits. Check out the data below from my last Stat report.

TweetStats also gives you the option of seeing your TweetCloud and with one click,

you can send the cloud to Wordle and create a visual representation of your most common Tweeted words. I took it a step farther by recording my screen with Camtasia while I presses the Randomize button in Wordle…my favorite part of Wordle.

Check out my the Wordle of my Tweets…soundtrack provided by Matt & Kim – Daylight.